Wesleyan University

Ellen Remmer ’75 P’12


Wesleyan University has been preparing students to become successful social entrepreneurs for generations, since before the term ‘social entrepreneurship’ even existed. Now, with the Patricelli Center, we are helping Wesleyan’s changemakers become even more effective by teaching practical skills, offering experiential and project-based learning, funding student initiatives, and leveraging alumni connections. Learn more at http://www.wesleyan.edu/patricelli. Credits: Videos were produced by Amir Hasson ’98, Jacob Sussman ’17, Zander Cowen, Gabe Doss ’17, Matt Kleppner '18, and Makaela Kingsley ’98. Special thanks to Ellen Remmer ’75 P’12, Shawn Dove ’84, Sasha Chanoff ’94, Rachael Peters ’02, Joaquin Benares ‘15, Pelham Island Pictures, and the Wesleyan Office of Communications. #THISISWHY

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