Celebration of Wesleyan Writing: Writing, Teaching and Creativity 05/23/2015
Rachel Basch's new novel is The Listener, and she received the William Van Wert fiction prize for an excerpt from this book. She is also the author of two previous novels: The Passion of Reverend Nash (named one of the five best novels of 2003 by The Christian Science Monitor) and Degrees of Love. Her nonfiction has appeared in the n+1, Parenting, The Huffington Post and Washington Post. In 2011 she was a MacDowell Colony Fellow. A dedicated teacher of creative writing for over 20 years, Basch is a contributor to Now Write!: Fiction Writing Exercises From Today’s Best Writers & Teachers. Jennifer Finney Boylan, fiction writer, memoirist, author of thirteen books, is the inaugural Anna Quindlen Writer in Residence at Barnard College of Columbia University. She also serves as the national co-chair of the Board of Directors of GLAAD, the media advocacy group for LGBT people worldwide. She has been a contributor to the op/ed page of the New York Times since 2007; in 2013 she became Contributing Opinion Writer for the page. Jenny also serves on the Board of Trustees of the Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. Her 2003 memoir, She’s Not There: a Life in Two Genders, was the first bestselling work by a transgender American, and she is a nationally known advocate for civil rights. Julie Burstein is a Peabody Award-winning radio producer, TED speaker, and best-selling author who has spent her working life in conversation with highly creative people and creating live events and public radio programs about them and their work. She is the author of the book Spark: How Creativity Works, and host of Spark Talks at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. She produced and directed the museum's TEDxMet in 2013, the first TEDx in an art museum. In 2000, Julie created Studio 360 with Kurt Andersen, public radio’s premiere program about creativity, entertainment and the arts.